Why shouldn't

you work with us?

Business owners frequently come to me with problems they could solve for free or in rare cases solve themselves with their own resources.

Consider the alternative options to working with me.

Instagram or Brand Awareness & Outreach

The importance of building an online presence in this generation is the fastest way of creating credibility in the marketplace. In a world of coaches, teaching coaches to be coaches your fans can be your greatest advocate for your business.

Focus on posting value-packed content every day about the problems you solve for your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP). It's a longterm strategy to generate educated inbound traffic directly.

Use Marketplace Services

Have you tried using platforms like BARK or Trainerize?

If you have zero experience in marketing but want to pay-per lead you can bid for verified contact details. Why not wait for leads to find you both location?

Run Your Own Ads & Outreach

Running Facebook ads isn't rocket science, so if you have half an hour free everyday, why not get in ad platform and fire away?

With 10,000+ hours of 'how-to' videos on YouTube, you can create, run and publish ads whenever you want. Think about it who knows your prospects better than you do after all?

Why not do-it-yourself?

Word-Of-Mouth & Referrals

Have you spoken to your existing clients yet?

If you went to them and asked "is there anyone else you know who could benefit from my services?" What would they tell you?

Why not introduce a referral scheme to incentivise them?

And Finally

What is classified as a client at Persona Partners is getting the right people to book a non-refundable prepaid consultation call - paid directly into your account.

I do not win business for you. So if you are not confident or experienced in your own sales process, this is not the right investment for your business right now.

Now you still want to explore this?


I’ll construct a campaign that is committed to beating your best performing ads —and if I don’t (highly unlikely) hammer them then I don’t get paid for 31 days worth of work. But book a 30-min strategy call before this offer ends, and triggers the waiting list… because Persona Partners are humans (not bots) only taking 2 new clients per month.



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